The Three Things Every Term of Trade Needs

Here are the three things every term of trade NEEDS when it comes to collecting your debts. We see too many people miss out because they do not have these three things incorporated into their terms. Having these three things will grant a significant increase in chances of recovery of the debt plus all costs associated with the debt. If we can assist in collecting large commercial debts, please book a free 30-minute legal consultation where we can discuss the details and the strategy. You can book here:

How to avoid Shareholder disputes?

In this video we analyze common problems with shareholding arrangements and some very simple strategies to avoid them which includes many of the discussions to have upfront to agree on the major issues. Who can appoint and remove directors? How are minority shareholders treated? What are the exit strategies? How is capital to be raised? How are decisions made? What is the business plan? Are there restraints of trade? How are disputes to be addressed?